Monday, August 30, 2010

Stone Art Patterns

Today I walked over a crosswalk line with some broken pavement and had a flash! It's a familiar feeling of beauty worth exploring so I went back to photograph it. I saw a branch and a mountain/stream scene in the line. I enhanced them to help you see what I saw as to the subject matter. Finding patterns in stone is great fun and satisfying in some basic way.  I see recognizable patterns in many things and I've learned to notice and record them. I think artists, like poets, movie directors, etc. relish adding daily observations to their memory files to be used in their art form.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Stone Art Gallery is hanging art where we live.

Stone Art is finding it's place at an increasing pace. Here is an example of an equine piece in an alcove. It looks great over fireplaces, in bathrooms and on walls where you want to focus on the natural.


Monday, August 16, 2010